Last year, 2021, I participated in my first 52 week sewing challenge. From the first week, I LOVED it!!
For those that don’t know what it is, let me give you a little run down.
The challenge is run through a Facebook group by 2 incredible ladies, Angie and Lisa as well as a bunch of other Australian based fabric and pattern companies that help sponsor the prizes through the year.
At the start of the year we are given a prompt for every week of the year and from that, we need to sew something that fits in with the prompt. The ladies help give us some direction on what you could do, and what might be considered as ‘too loose’ to fit in with the theme.
While the challenge is called the 52 WEEK challenge, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sew an item a week. You have the whole month to submit your challenge sews, so its up to you if you sew each week, or perhaps you get all done in one week! As long as you have the items finished by the first Wednesday of the following month you are eligible to enter the prize giveaway.

There were a couple of months I was cramming all the sews in the last week and some where I had it all finished before the end of the first week. haha. It’s all about balance right?! If you miss a few, you can always catch up at any point.
There are also 6 ‘reject’ weeks available which means if you don’t like the prompt or can’t get it done in time, you can use a ‘reject’ and submit another make and you’ll still be able to enter that months prize draw, but you can’t use more than 1 reject in a month, and there are only 6 in total!
So thats the challenge in a nut shell and I am so pleased and proud to say I completed all 52 weeks, on time, with no rejects! Sadly I didn’t win any prizes throughout the year, but I had the best time and was definitely challenged by a few prompts to try different styles and patterns that I would not have normally tried.
I have already signed up to the 52 Week Challenge 2022 and am off to a cracking start. I’m hoping to blog about each week, though I might release them on a monthly basis. I am also planning to release a few more regular blog post documenting my journey’s with pattern testing and various other things, though its a challenge finding the time to sit down and write them, so we will see!
I’d love to see you join the 2022 challenge, so if you think you’d like to come and check it out, follow the link below to be taken to this years Facebook Group.
Lastly, I hope 2022 finds you taking on new sewing challenges, but most of all just enjoying the process of sewing. 🙂
See below each of my 12 months of the 2021 challenge. It was so much fun.